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Biomass Birmingham | Biomass Installers in Birmingham

Our Biomass Installers in City of Birmingham were rated (based on 31 reviews of 199 installers).

Here you can find a list of installers supplying Biomass systems in Birmingham and the surrounding area. You can contact them using the 'Get a Quote' system and ask them for information or a quotation at your leisure. For the installers with logo's you can also click the line and view their detailed profile.

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Solar Panels in Birmingham

Harnessing solar energy using solar panels has gained popularity in recent years as homeowners and businesses look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. As in many areas in the UK, the steep rise in energy bills has affected the residents of Birmingham with 1 in 4 people reported to be living in fuel poverty.

Birmingham's City Council has undertaken an ambitious project to make council houses greener, warmer, and more energy efficient. So far about 550 homes have been improved as part of plans to retrofit over 2,000 properties by September 2025. Solar panels are being installed at some properties so residents can generate their own electricity to help reduce energy costs.

It's definitely worth installing solar panels in Birmingham, as they can help you save money on your energy bills while also supporting Birmingham's target to reduce its carbon emission levels.

Using solar power in Birmingham is a completely viable option as there is plenty of sunlight to ensure that solar panels work efficiently while they generate electricity. Temperatures tend to be mild which reduces the chance of weather damage. Birmingham experiences very little extreme weather or other damaging environmental factors which makes solar panels a great investment. However, solar panels will generally produce less energy during the UK's winter when the days are shorter and there are fewer hours of sunlight.

Solar panel sizes can be customised to suit different energy demands and roof sizes and any excess electricity generated can be sold to your energy supplier to generate an income via the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG).

The cost of a solar panel system for a residential installation in Birmingham is typically between £5,000 and £9,000. The most common size is a 4kW solar panel system, which will cost you around £7,000.

Solar panels in Birmingham can provide many benefits, including the following:

Reduction in energy bills

By installing solar panels, you can generate your own electricity, which can significantly reduce your electricity bills as well as cut down your reliance on the National Grid. Furthermore, any excess energy can be stored in a battery for later use. If you have battery storage you can use the stored energy during peak hours when energy prices are higher, saving you even more money.

Smaller carbon footprint

Solar panels can help you reduce your overall carbon footprint and impact on the environment. Solar panels are an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional energy sources as they do not produce any greenhouse gas emissions. If you add battery storage which further reduces the amount of energy that needs to be produced by traditional power plants, it reduces air pollution.

Energy Independence

Installing solar panels and generating your own electricity will allow you to become less reliant on the National Grid. This can be particularly helpful if you live in an area where power outages are common. Solar panels can also help you during periods of high demand when the Grid may be overloaded. If you install battery storage you can still have electricity during a blackout.

Increased property value

Solar panels and/or battery storage can increase the value of your home. Both solar panels and battery storage are features that environmentally conscious buyers are looking for. According to a report by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, homes with solar panels sold for more than those without.

Government incentives

You can take advantage of government incentives for installing solar panels. For example, the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) pays households for the excess electricity they generate and export back to the grid. You can also benefit from 0% VAT on solar panel installations, which could save you hundreds of pounds.

Little maintenance required

Solar panels require very little maintenance as there are no moving parts.


Solar panel installers in Birmingham offer a range of benefits. They can significantly lower your energy bills and increase your property's value, making them an excellent choice for homeowners and businesses. On top of the financial advantages, solar energy contributes to a greener environment by helping to reduce carbon emissions. With the government incentives available and the growing awareness of these benefits, this is an ideal time to consider investing in solar panels in Birmingham.


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