There’s no more denying that climate change is real and devastating to the planet and that the situation is worsening over time. However, new advancements are helping to prevent the harm caused by this dangerous phenomenon. Let’s look at some of these futuristic advancements and how you can use tech in your home to protect your family and the planet.
Climate Change Is Creating Extreme Weather
First, it’s necessary to understand why developing smart tech to combat climate change is so important. It comes down to the constant burning of fossil fuels and the release of harmful pollutants from factories and vehicles. These processes release carbon dioxide, which rises into the atmosphere and causes a greenhouse gas effect. This in turn leads to the extreme weather phenomena often seen today.
From floods and rising sea levels to droughts and wildfires, there are a lot of dangerous natural consequences of climate change, and they’ll only get worse as time goes on. Climate change can also affect air quality, which makes breathing and going about daily activities much more difficult.
Heading into the future, these effects will only worsen, and many people who can’t afford proper shelter and protection could take the brunt of the damage. New technologies which can address these issues cannot come fast enough.
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Protecting Fields And Stopping Fires
Technology is in development worldwide that aims to help reduce the effects of climate change on fields and crops.
For starters, as the population numbers continue to explode around the globe, there’s an increased demand for food. As the world heats up and the weather becomes more unpredictable, many food crops fail and crop yields drop. Enter Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), which is an updated approach to managing crops that reduce their vulnerability to drought and disease and reduce the harmful emissions that are often produced while farming. While this tech is currently being tested by the World Bank, it could be a game-changer when used around the world.
Another negative issue affecting crops, forests, and other wooded areas is the recent increase in wildfires that often develop due to the high heat and lack of rainfall. A wildfire can start and escalate quickly, so a speedy resolution is necessary. New tech that is helping to prevent excessive damage includes the use of drones controlled by firefighters. The drones can detect when a wildfire may start and then quickly deploy and provide an overhead view that can give emergency crews the visual they need to take on the fire as efficiently as possible.
Tech For the Home
Sadly, climate change and higher temperatures can also lead to more fires inside homes. As a homeowner, you can proactively prevent house fires by being cautious about how many cords you plug into an outlet and avoiding the use of frayed and outdated wiring that can cause a spark and an eventual fire.
Some strategies for preventing house fires can also help reduce your carbon footprint. For instance, when you leave lights on for too long, there’s a small chance the bulbs could overheat and cause a fire. Keeping the lights off also reduces the need to burn as many harmful fossil fuels.
Your home’s HVAC and air conditioning systems also contribute to climate change because they emit greenhouse gases while cooling your dwelling. The development of solid-state cooling systems may help, as they use metals instead of refrigerants to heat and cool a house, creating fewer harmful gasses. Once this tech becomes mainstream, consider installing it in your home to help the planet.
Finally, the United Kingdom is leading the charge in renewable energy advancements by implementing wind turbines that can create electricity without harming the environment. You can also add natural renewable energy sources to your home by installing solar panels, which reduces your dependence on the electric company. It’s an idea to consider if you want to see the planet thrive.
Tech continues to be a saving grace in the fight against climate change, but it’s only a piece of the puzzle. Humanity must also continue to do its part, so consider implementing the ideas discussed here to contribute to a healthier planet.