Installer Directory


Richard Burdett



Richard Burdett


Updated on

Apr 21, 2023

Read Time : 2 Minutes

Manufacturers of Hydroelectricity Systems

There are now a wide range of manufacturers and suppliers of small and large scale hydroelectric plants in the UK and you can search for them on our database here. Below is a list of some of the major players who provide components and full design, planning and installation services. Alstom provide hydro turbines, from a few megawatts up to 900 MW, and in a range of makes from Kaplin and Pelton to bulb hydro systems. Border Hydro produce wind and water turbines as well as customised control panels and can provide off the shelf solutions for energy needs. Canyon Hydro specialise in smaller hydroelectric systems under 100 kW and has been providing energy solutions across the world over the last 35 years. Co-Hydro specialise in 50-100 kW hydroelectric plants and can take you through the initial survey, design and fabrication, to the installation. They have dealt with a wide range of commercial and private clients over the years. Corin Hughes specialises in a wide range of renewable technologies including wind, solar and hydroelectricity, particularly micro hydro. Derwent Hydro are a small UK Company specialising in hydro power design and installation and are a member of the British Hydropower Association. Dulas offer a wide range of renewable services and specialise in the installation of small scale hydroelectric projects as well as maintenance and refurbishment. Free Flow Hydro specialise in micro hydro and are one of the few companies that offer free installation in exchange for access to the Feed in Tariff. Gilkes are one of the leading hydro turbine manufacturers in the UK and can handle large projects up to 20 MW. Hallidays HydroPower combine engineering expertise with hydropower manufacturing to provide a complete service for commercial and private installations. Hydro Schemes are a design and installation company who specialise in small scale hydroelectric projects. Mann Power boast at being responsible for bringing the Archimedian Screw turbine to the UK and have worked with organisation such as the National Trust and Cheshire County Council. Nautilus Water Turbines design, engineer and manufacture turbines and are used to dealing with utility grade hydro projects. North West Hydro deal with all aspects of the installation of a hydroelectric plant from site identification and construction. NRG Pure supply PowerSpout turbines from New Zealand and 67% of the materials used to make to make them are from recycled sources. A single PowerSpout can produce about 1 kW, enough to power a house. Ossburger manufacture small scale power stations for hydro and boast 10,000 installations across 80 countries. Pico Energy are a consultancy, design and installation company who specialise in hydroelectric power and solar PV. Renewables First are one of the major suppliers of micro hydro from the planning and design stage through to the implementation and construction. They also deal with wind turbines. Spaans Babcock have over a hundred years developing water and waste water treatment technology and manufacture a screw generator that is highly efficient and friendly to the local wildlife. You can discover more suppliers and manufacturers of hydroelectric and micro hydro systems in the UK on our dedicated database here.



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