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8 Startups Moving the UK Towards Renewable Energy

8 Startups Moving the UK Towards Renewable Energy

When the United Nations established the Paris Agreement in 2015, the UK began developing renewable energy advancements. Parliament plans on improving its climate change prevention efforts by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. Transitioning the country's energy reliance away from fossil fuels towards clean electricity can preserve natural resources.

Generating a compatible infrastructure requires the help of UK startups. Private companies can conduct independent research, developing efficient renewable energy technology and structures. Seven businesses have made significant strides in generating reliable, clean power systems, improving England's sustainability efforts.

1. Oxford PV

The Oxford PV startup developed solar panel efficiency advancement technology, expanding the UK’s renewable energy production. Their researchers crafted tandem solar cells, working within a panel to improve its performance. The perovskite cells generate more electricity per square meter than conventional panel technologies.

An Oxford professor established the company in 2010 by expanding his lab research. This year, the company will install a solar system in Brandenburg combining perovskite and silicon cell technology. The increased efficiency of their panels expands their potential production uses throughout the country.

2. H2GO Power

Expanding the renewable energy sector also requires efficient storage technology. Clean power production devices send direct currents of electricity to a structure. Developing a reliable electric grid requires excess energy containment appliances.

H2GO Power generated hydrogen storage technology, containing it in a solid-state structure. They offer utility-scale units, collecting clean energy from the source and converting it into hydrogen. It releases emission-free electricity based on real-time demands.


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3. OVO Energy

Another UK startup that privately provides clean electricity is OVO Energy. The company originated in 2009, following a mission of increasing society’s access to emission-free energy sources. They offer 100% renewable power to the residential sector, helping individuals shrink their carbon footprints.

OVO also plants a tree for every new member they gain. Today, the company provides clean electricity to over 3.5 million residents. They also help homeowners eliminate their carbon emissions, suggesting efficient electric devices for installation.

4. Zeroavia

Zeroavia is increasing the transportation sector's sustainability with hydrogen plane engines. Their aircraft generate zero greenhouse gas emissions in flight and are more cost-effective than conventional engines. The company creates fuel by collecting solar and wind power, converting it into stored hydrogen for energy.

The transportation sector creates 27% of the UK's total greenhouse gas emissions. Converting aviation’s dependence away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources can significantly decrease atmospheric degradation.


BBOXX is helping expand the renewable energy sector by crafting solar-powered battery boxes. The company sends its electricity containers to regions with limited access. Individuals can plug small devices into the system, charging their phones, medical equipment, laptops, and more.

The company charges the boxes using solar power, decreasing related emissions. They require minimal installation and production efforts, helping individuals access clean electricity immediately. BBOXX's next step will place remote monitoring systems in the devices, helping companies to control regional energy consumption.

6. EnergyTag

EnergyTag is a nonprofit startup that generates transparency in the renewable energy market. The company developed a market framework to compare clean electricity production and consumption rates. Some organizations claim the utilization of 100% renewable energy but continue producing emissions.

Comparing the real-time use of electricity with production patterns expands the transparency of green companies. Unlike other renewable companies, EnergyTag claims zero profits, creating the framework to better the industry. Their charitable development outshines other companies and corporations, which generate only 4% of annual philanthropic efforts.

7. Origami Energy

Origami Energy developed technology helping renewable electricity companies succeed. Efficiently trading, planning, and developing clean energy is essential when meeting regional demands. Origami utilizes smart technology to assist companies in accessing real-time data quickly.

The startup offers automated scheduling and asset dispatching for optimal energy trading. They also provide renewable electricity generation, demand, and marketing cost forecasts. Origami uses artificial intelligence technology, enhancing the accuracy and speed of readings and trading.

8. Bulb

Bulb is another private renewable energy provider in the UK. They generate 100% of their electricity from renewable sources using solar, wind, and hydro technology. The company calculates all its emissions, from production to transportation, offsetting pollution for carbon neutrality.

Bulb's customers lower their greenhouse gas emissions by 3.2 tons annually using renewable energy. The company also developed a smart tariff, determining price discrepancies based on different areas and peak rates. It calculates an individual's carbon emissions and provides offsetting features.

Powering the Future

Previously, the renewable energy sector relied on individuals installing solar panels and wind turbines on their properties. Today, companies are stepping up to the plate and demanding corporations' involvement. The country also plans on developing an electric grid, decreasing its reliance on fossil fuel-derived energy.

Author: Shannon Flynn

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Richard is a seasoned director and a respected authority in the field of renewable energy, leveraging his extensive experience working with large PLCs in the AEC industry. He is one of the chief driving forces behind the creation, development, and management of The Renewable Energy Hub, a premier online destination for sustainable energy knowledge and resource.


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