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Does the Construction Industry Back Renewable Energy Solutions

Does the Construction Industry Back Renewable Energy Solutions

Construction has long been one of the UK’s most vital sectors. It fuels our economy, provides millions of jobs and stimulates other sectors too – literally building the foundations for growth.

Research done by Haven Power, one of the UK’s largest business electricity suppliers has revealed that over 60% of construction firms are now backing renewable energy solutions in 2018. Two fifths of those surveyed think that more needs to be done to reduce carbon emissions and to ensure a clean future.

The survey was set up to assess future energy requirements and indicated that the construction industry saw energy usage as one of their top three business priorities alongside employment and office management. The industry’s appetite for sustainability was further highlighted by learning that three out of the five firms liked the idea of selling energy back to the grid. By way of comparison, research has shown that only 40% of businesses in the Food and Beverage sector liked the idea of reselling energy.

Even though the construction industry has been one of the more progressive industries in bringing about sustainable change there was still a reluctance to get started initially. They saw cost as an obstacle to reaching their sustainability goals and were uncertain as to how to approach their investors or senior management team.

Paul Sheffield, Chief Operating Officer at Haven Power commented:

“It’s extremely encouraging to see that such a high proportion of firms in the construction sector believe in renewables, with a third already having onsite battery storage installed (35%). However, it’s clear more needs to be done to demonstrate the wider opportunities and benefits of renewable energy, as some firms in the industry are still unsure how to broach the subject with senior teams. To ensure the future of British business is low carbon, conversations are needed from the board level down.”

There is no doubt that in the case of solar energy, the way construction works around the globe is being revolutionised. Construction trends are rapidly adapting to solar energy; the industry is embracing it instead of seeing it as an offbeat approach. It’s changing job bids and architectural planning all for the better.

In the construction industry multiple companies will bid on one job and come in with their unique angle after which the client makes a choice. Solar energy is no longer an afterthought for these big companies. They want their new buildings to be energy efficient, cost-effective, and that plays into job bids.

Construction firms were asked to list whose responsibility it was to lower carbon emissions. They cited energy suppliers in shared top position with manufacturers ahead of the government. Most other industries put the responsibility largely on the energy provider.

The future is full of potential and opportunity for the construction industry and it’s increasingly looking a vibrant shade of green, too. Legislative and policy targets to lower carbon emissions mean our homes, offices and other buildings of the future need to be efficient, sustainable and have the lowest possible impact on the environment. So, the ever-increasing demand for renewable construction skills also means many new opportunities for the UK.

In summary, Paul Sheffield from Haven Power says:

“Understanding of renewable energy and its benefits varies greatly from sector to sector, but it’s great to see construction firms are taking steps towards a more sustainable future. It’s imperative that organisations of all sizes work together with their energy provider to implement changes that will be beneficial to everyone. Here at Haven Power we are keen to help businesses understand the wider benefits of renewables.”

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Richard is a seasoned director and a respected authority in the field of renewable energy, leveraging his extensive experience working with large PLCs in the AEC industry. He is one of the chief driving forces behind the creation, development, and management of The Renewable Energy Hub, a premier online destination for sustainable energy knowledge and resource.


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