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Finding the Best Solar Panel Installer

Finding the Best Solar Panel Installer

The best solar panel installer:

We've known about the power of the sun to harness energy for a while, and more recently it is has become an increasingly accessible and affordable option for both households and businesses who want to reduce their energy bills and become less reliant on expensive and ‘for the large part’ environmentally harmful, grid supplied electricity. As with most big jobs however, the perennial question remains: How do you find the best solar panel installer?

Within any industry, there are good and bad providers and it pays to do your research and take your time before parting with your hard earned cash. You will want to be assured that with investing a reasonably sized sum, that you will see some form of a return over the life of the system and this return will not negatively affect the value of the larger investments associated with it, such as your home or business.

Six Tips for Finding the Best Solar Panel Installer for your project, in Your Area

TIP 1: First and foremost, do your research. And that’s not just about finding the right solar panel installer. It’s everything you need to know about solar panels but were afraid to ask. Is your house or commercial property suitable for solar panels? What are the different tariffs and deals? Do you need planning permission? What maintenance will be needed over the years? Having solar PV installed is a long term commitment that comes with a broad range of issues and they deserve your undivided attention.

TIP 2: With more and more people opting to have solar panels fitted, the chances are you may know someone already who has them on their roof or office building. Now would be a good time to sound them out – find out what their experience has been, the good and bad things, and who they got to do the work. It’s a good place to start but it isn't the be all and end all of finding your perfect installer.

TIP 3: A better way to find the best solar panel installer in your area is to use a reputable website that not only lists the qualified providers close to you but also offers a full profile and shows honest reviews. At the end of the day, you are going to be making a significant investment in both time, money and a change in lifestyle. It pays to get the right information about your prospective installer from a trusted source.

TIP 4: The next step is to get companies in to have a look at your property. Don't take the path of least resistance and settle for the first quote you get, even if you do have a referral from someone you trust. Make sure you get at minimum of 3 quotes from different installers. If you have done your research then you should also have a list of questions for your prospective installers. Make sure they tick all the right boxes.

TIP 5: First and foremost, that means certification. There are a number of approved bodies in the renewable energies industry. The main one is the Microgeneration Certificate Scheme (MCS) and should ensure that your solar PV installer has the appropriate quality controls and safety standards in place. A reputable installer should also be a member of the Renewable Energy Consumer Code which is there to ensure high standards, not only in the initial installation but the maintenance afterwards. You can check whether your installer is registered on The Renewable Energy Hub.

TIP 6: Don't be pressured by either an offer to do the work quickly or the sudden appearance of special offers that are designed to get you to sign the installation contract. If an installer is reputable they will not push you into an agreement and will be happy for you to take some time to consider your options.

The main advice for finding the best solar panel installer, as with any other contractor who is going to be carrying out major and important work, is to take your time. If you want a good starting point then visit The Renewable Energy Hub and begin your journey to a greener and more sustainable future.

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Richard is a seasoned director and a respected authority in the field of renewable energy, leveraging his extensive experience working with large PLCs in the AEC industry. He is one of the chief driving forces behind the creation, development, and management of The Renewable Energy Hub, a premier online destination for sustainable energy knowledge and resource.


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