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Types of Biomass Boiler Hoppers
Fully automated hoppers
The large systems often require a specially designed silo; these (in new build properties) are often designed-in as the property will be developed with the boiler’s needs in mind. For retro-fit applications, shipping containers can be adapted to function as the hopper or pre-made large scale hoppers can be purchased. There are five main types of hopper currently available: Steel Hoppers –many different sizes available but can be fitted very fast. Fabric Hoppers - Available in a variety of sizes and capabilities and can be adjusted in height to maximize fuel storage
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- BioTop – plastic all weather hoppers for outside storage, can hold 1.7 tonnes of pellets so suitable for small to medium applications.
- Buried hoppers – These resemble underground water tanks but store the fuel for applications where space above ground is at a premium or where aesthetics could be an issue.
Bespoke Hoppers – Custom built-in to the property.
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