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Richard Burdett



Richard Burdett


Updated on

Aug 05, 2023

Read Time : 3 Minutes

Benefits of Green Roofs and Sedum Roofs

Lets take a look at the potential benefits

The installation of a green roof (or wall) can prove beneficial in a range of ways, both ecologically and financially.

Benefits Of Green Roofs

Ecological benefits of green roofs

There are many ecological benefits when creating a green roof. The benefits are usually increased with greater substrate depths - the benefits associated with installing shallower, extensive green roofs are on the whole far more modest than those offered by intensive ones due to the smaller range of vegetation that can be grown, the reduction of water retention and many other factors.

Ecological benefits green roofs


  • Lower carbon footprint due to reduced heating and air conditioning demand. This is achieved by adding mass and thermal resistance value.
  • As green roofs and walls reflect less solar radiation and absorb less heat than regular roofs and walls, they have the effect of reducing the urban heat island effect. Urban heat island effect decreases air quality and increases the production of pollutants such as ozone.  It all also decreases water quality as warmer waters flow into area streams and put tress on their ecosystems.
  • Creation of habitats for animals and insects.  Green roofs cool and humidify the surrounding air, creating a beneficial microclimate in urban areas. Planted roofs and walls can compensate for ‘green’ areas lost in building development, often making a big difference in planning permission approval, especially in green zones.
  • Absorption of carbon dioxide and pollutants.  The vegetation in green roofs bind dust and toxic particles helping to filter out smog. Nitrates and other harmful materials are absorbed by the plants and within the substrate filtering out these pollutants and heavy metals. This also helps improve local air quality, which can benefit both humans and animals.
  • In the case of intensive green roofs it may also be possible to grow food or crops.
  • Water management.  Depending on the green roof design, the immediate water run-off can be reduced considerably, by up to 90%. This has been proven to greatly reduce stress on drainage systems and in turn localised flooding.  This can help your rainwater management system, greatly reducing construction costs.
  • Noise protection.  Plants and trees provide natural sound insulation; they can reduce reflective sound by up to 8dB. They have been proven very effective in noisy areas.
  • Green roofs can help ensure that new developments are designed to adapt to climate change.
  • The ecological and environmental benefits outlined above are usually increased with greater substrate depths - the benefits associated with installing shallower, extensive green roofs are on the whole far more modest than those offered by intensive ones due to the smaller range of vegetation that can be grown.
  • Another important benefit offered by the intensive variety of green roof is the possibility of using the roof space (in the case of flat roofs with safe roof access) for leisure activities, such as gardening.
  • If installed correctly many living roofs can contribute to LEED points.


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Financial benefits of green roofs

There are several practical, business-scenario benefits to green roofs. Among other things new rebates and tax deductions crop up that could help ease the financial burden. Green roofs can help community and state costs, a study completed by researchers at the University of Michigan found that greening 10% of Chicago roofs would result in public health benefits of between $29.2 and $111 million, due to cleaner air.

Whilst this doesn’t help in individual project costs, the economic benefits of green roofs to our government will most likely only become more apparent as further studies are taken into consideration.

The financial benefits to the individual project are as follows:

Financial benefits green roof

  • Potentially reduced energy bills for both heating and cooling, as green roofs and walls insulate buildings from sunlight and cold air (though the exact amount saved is unknown.)
  • Potential increase in property value. Due to the nature of a green roof and their aesthetic qualities.
  • It has been suggested that the lifespan of the building’s roof and walls can be increased (in some cases, doubled). This is due to the protection from temperature differentials and the resulting expansion and contraction that normally shortens a roof’s lifespan. They also provide protection from severe weather damage.
  • The presence of green roofs and walls in business premises will also present a positive image to customers and boost a company’s green credentials.
  • It has also been suggested that in temperate climates green roofs can reduce the risk of fire (though this view has been contested.)

In conclusion

Sedum roofs offer a myriad of benefits that make them an attractive and sustainable roofing solution. Their ability to improve biodiversity by providing a habitat for wildlife and supporting pollinators is commendable, contributing to the conservation of local ecosystems. Sedum roofs also act as a natural filter, purifying rainwater and reducing stormwater runoff, thus alleviating the burden on urban drainage systems.

From an environmental standpoint, sedum roofs play a vital role in mitigating the urban heat island effect, reducing energy consumption, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. They provide enhanced thermal insulation, reducing heating and cooling needs for buildings, which can translate into significant energy savings over time.

Furthermore, the aesthetic appeal of sedum roofs adds to the overall beauty of urban landscapes, promoting a sense of well-being and harmony in densely populated areas. These green rooftops create tranquil spaces for occupants, fostering a connection with nature that has proven benefits for mental health and productivity.

In addition to their positive impact on the environment and human well-being, sedum roofs also add value to properties, making them a financially sound investment in the long run. Their low maintenance requirements and extended lifespan make them a cost-effective and sustainable roofing option.

Overall, sedum roofs stand as a symbol of progress toward more eco-friendly and resilient cities, highlighting the potential of harmonious integration between human-made structures and the natural world. Embracing this green technology not only benefits individual buildings and their occupants but also contributes to a more sustainable and vibrant future for our planet.

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