JNS Connections Ltd
JNS Connections Ltd
So many companies, when asked to write a description about their comapny and services cannot resist making bold claims about being No 1 at this, the largest at that and definitley the best at the other!
Here we make no such claims other than that we are good listeners, so if you want to talk to us about installing solar panels on your home or business then we are all ears.
When we do speak, we speak with you, your objectives and your budget in mind.
Enough about us already lets hear from one of our customers;
"Just had a 4KWp solar sytem installed by JNS Connections. Excellent customer service following a very competitive seemed to much trouble for reccomended, not just for solar panels but anything which requires the services of skilled, thoughtfull and competent electrical engineers" Mr Robert Jones - Cambridgeshire.
Transparent as we are, we do not play games with our prices either so if you are interested in a 4KWp solar system using all black panels installed on one roof our price inclusinve of vat is £5,850 and yes that includes a solution to heat your water from excess energy generated from your solar panels.
Make the Connection and speak with us today
Our Installation Expertise :

Solar Panels
Accreditations :

Brian Cook
Thank you for such an excellent job! We are really pleased with our Solar panels and really appreciated the very professional but friendly manner with which all the people who worked at our property approached their works

Even though its winter and short days, We are at 123kwh since our installation in late December. Today we are currently generating approx 1700kwh, which means we have had the washing machine, drier, telly, pc and background use going and it's still diverting some to the hot water. In fact we no longer use any oil to heat water! I'm dead chuffed. I also really like the look of the solar panels - they blend into the roof much better.......highly recommend and that goes the same for JNS...